Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blogged Down

Once again, I am apologizing for my lack of Coloblogging. But, it's busy being a star! Well, I'm not really star, but there are 2 CTV commercials running (or will be running) in Sudbury about the show. And…CTV is coming to film us on Sunday! Other than that, I've been busy at work and all of my Cinefesting last week. So, I'm pooped!

I'm still going to tennis. The gym, however, is a different story. I will be going tomorrow, though. I promise! Other than that, it's rehearsal after rehearsal, after rehearsal. Opening night is fast approaching, so I'm popping the Echinacea pills like nobody's business. I'm trying to get enough Vitamin C that I could become the personification of it. And, I will be purchasing special teas that will sooth my throat – a necessity after all the singing I'll be doing. So, *knock on wood*, I shouldn't be sick during the show. Cuz once I'm sick…there go the high notes!

Also, I must give a shout out to my MA crew who are planning to drive up from Toronto and Ottawa to come see the closing night and to take in all that Sudbury has to offer. It's actually very touching that they're coming all the way here to see the show and to see my Northern Ontario life, so I hope I don't disappoint.

Okay, so that the update. Time to watch some season premieres.

1 comment:

Cheryl Anne said...

Yay....maybe you'll get a chance to do your split jump for the commercial!