So this is my first foray into the world of blogging (which is pretty huge considering my relative disgust for anything too technological sounding). I figure, however, that this is would be a good time to start. On a side note, you will have to excuse my ramdomness and rambling I tend to do when I write what's on my mind.
For those who are unaware, I am no longer 'Over-Educated & Under-Employed'. I now work as an Independent Contractor at Toronto Rehab. And no, it's not the rehab that's so "in" in's a hospital. As part, or my 2 year contract, I'll be collecting data in Sudbury. "What-bury!?", you ask? That was my reaction too! But the research study requires data collection from 2 sites, one of them being in Sudbury. Without getting into too much detail (I'm under some contractual constraints of intellectual property and ethics and all that jazz), I'm doing research on the effect of research-based drama on traumatic brain injury patient care over time. Well, that's not entirely it, but that's the best I can do in one, non-run-on sentence, so hopefully that makes sense.
I leave tomorrow at 12:30pm from the concrete jungle and arrive in the land of mining at 5:30. I'm still packing - of course. I'm also doing a massive clean of my room, since my sister (on her way back to Vancouver from PEI) and cousin (from Montreal) will be in Toronto in a few days. I'll be coming back to Toronto on Thursday for a bit, but then it's back to the 'Bury. So I don't really have to worry about forgetting anything while I'm packing. I did, however, realize how many clothes I actually have. I knew I had a lot, but after refolding and rearranging pretty much every piece of clothing I have here (not including the one's still packed up in a box), I have way too many! I have almost 40 polos! FORTY! POLOS! I don't even know how that's possible...well, I do, I suppose. Two words: Banana Republic. I haven't done a jacket count lately, but I'm pretty sure I have at least 20. And this is just in Toronto. I still have more clothes in Vancouver. Yikes!
Anyway, enough confessions from a shopoholic. I should really stop procrastinating and finish packing. Thank you for those who read/skimmed my first blog entry. There'll be more to come, documenting my experience in Sudbury, which I think is short for Sudburyburywhite :) For those who like those feel-good stories about the trials and tribulations of ethnic minorities, stay tuned.
Thanks for starting your blog. Did you know that you can even feed your blog into your facebook pages? I'll try and look up the link for you. That way, if people forget your blog address, they can still read up on your blog this way.
Have a great trip!
I can't believe you have 40 polos. I think I have 40 items of clothing all together.
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